How To Make Pineapple juice was delicious

How To Make Pineapple juice was delicious

Pineapple Juice Recipes Simple
Materials Required:
  • 1 ripe pineapple fruit
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 glasses of water
  • Ice cubes to taste
How To Make Pineapple juice was delicious
How to make :
  • How to create basic pineapple juice is very easy. The first step you should do is to remove the crown, then peeled and cut into chunks. Do not forget to remove the central part of the fruit because the texture is very fibrous and not enjoyable to consume.
  • Enter pineapple chunks into the blender jar. Add water and sugar. You can also use honey instead of sugar to sweeten your pineapple juice. Turn on the blender at high speed for about 5 to 10 minutes until the material has been fully mix well.
  • If you feel the juice is too thick, then add a cup of water and blend again. Pour the juice into a tall glass, fill ice cubes to taste, garnish the glass with a slice of pineapple and enjoy while cold.

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