how to make recipes pure soybean milk

how to make recipes pure soybean milk

  • Basic Process Make Your Own Pure Soy Milk:
  • First of all soybeans are washed with clean water and soak 10 hours or overnight until the size is enlarged and tender. After that, clean the husk.
  • Enter the soybean blender with water about 1: 3, if 1 cup of soy mix with 3 cups of water. Blend until smooth and then filtered with a white cloth or gauze or a small hole sieve. Can also be done blender and repeated screening of 3 parts water to soymilk out more.
  • The next stage is boiling aiming to sterilize the germs, flavorful, add benefits for the body as well as reducing the unpleasant aroma of soy still. Boil over medium heat, stirring constantly so that the milk is not broken. In this we can add the boiling ingredients as desired, such as pandan leaves or vanilla, ginger, cocoa powder, sugar, a little salt or other. If using vanilla, do most include vanilla, will cause a bitter taste.
  • This drink is suitable in the present while warm and didingankan advance in the refrigerator.
how to make recipes pure soybean milk

soybean milk recipes
Here's one recipe creations soy milk is tasty and simple.
Material :

  • 250 grams of soy beans, washed
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 150 grams sugar
  • 3 pandan leaves, ikat
  • 3 lime leaves

how to make the soybean milk 

  • Soak soybeans with warm water overnight. After blooming, wash and remove the husk.
  • Benar2 blender with water until smooth then strain.
  • Simmer over medium heat mixed with sugar, pandan leaves and lime leaves. Stir constantly, until boiling, take care not to overflow.
  • After chilling filtered with a clean cotton cloth. Serve warm or cold according to taste.

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